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Full Version: PULP Memories Address Maps
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I'm trying to preload the program in L2 cache but i'm unable to trace which addresses goes into which memory
so far what i got tracing is the hello world example:

addresses in stimuli file from 1C000000 - 1C001030 go in this memory

 address in stimuli file from 1C008000 - 1C00AF80 go in this memory

but i have no idea where the rest goes. 
Question 1: is the mapping mentioned anywhere in the hdl files?
Question 2: I've not been able to build the documents in ipstools due to python libraries errors is there a pdf or a latex version i can get anywhere else online?


Quote:Question 1: is the mapping mentioned anywhere in the hdl files?

The memory maps are defined by the peripheral bus, the cluster bus, and the SoC bus.  If you are referring to Pulpissimo, have a look at soc_bus_defines.sv and periph_bus_defines.sv.

Quote:Question 2: I've not been able to build the documents in ipstools due to python libraries errors is there a pdf or a latex version i can get anywhere else online?

I am no aware of a prebuilt documentation for ipstools. Please open an issue on GitHub to report your problem and get help.
