Pulpissimo configuration issues and other bugs
(08-28-2019, 10:34 AM)MikkeN Wrote:
(08-23-2019, 12:39 PM)meggiman Wrote: Hi MikkeN,

It is very hard for us to help you without knowing what the actual problem is. I just tried with Synopsys DC 2017.09 and Synopsys DC 2018.06 (we do not have 2018.03). Analysis and elaboration of the LZC module went through without any issues.  Can you provide us the error message? Also, it would help if you provided file path and line numbers in the future. Otherwise, its unnecessary additional work for us to figure out which statement you're referring to.



Hi Manuel.

lzc issue is actually related to Synopys DC 2016.03. When I use DC 2018.03 there is not error reported. Error message in 2016.03 is:

Error:  ../pulpissimo/ips/common_cells/src/lzc.sv:90: The construct 'constant function call as casting type except with $bits()' is not supported.  (VER-721)
Compiling source file ../pulpissimo/ips/common_cells/src/rstgen_bypass.sv
Error:  Cannot recover from previous errors. (VER-518)

Other issues are existing also with Synopsys DC 2018.03. Those happen in elaboration phase (first one I have debugged and seems that there is real bus width mismatch. Are you using some other than master branch when doing ASIC synthesis? I took Pulpissimo from GIT yesterday and these same errors still exist:

Error: Width mismatch on port 'gpio_in' of reference to 'soc_peripherals' in 'pulp_soc_0_1_1_32_64_32_6_6_6_8_8'. (LINK-3)
Error: Unable to match ports of cell soc_domain_i/pulp_soc_i/soc_peripherals_i ('soc_peripherals') to 'soc_peripherals_17_32_32_8_1_8_43_64_4_2_I_apb_slave_APB_BUS__I_apb_eu_master_APB_BUS__I_apb_hwpe_master_APB_BUS__I_apb_debug_master_APB_BUS__I_l2_rx_master_XBAR_TCDM_BUS__I_l2_tx_master_XBAR_TCDM_BUS__I_soc_fll_master_FLL_BUS__FLL_ADDR_WIDTH_32_FLL_DATA_WIDTH_32I_per_fll_master_FLL_BUS__FLL_ADDR_WIDTH_32_FLL_DATA_WIDTH_32I_cluster_fll_master_FLL_BUS__FLL_ADDR_WIDTH_32_FLL_DATA_WIDTH_32'. (LINK-25)

   parameter NGPIO          = 64,                          (line 20)
   input  logic [NGPIO-1:0]           gpio_in,             (line 75)

   input  logic [31:0]                   gpio_in_i,        (line 165)

-> gpio_in is 64bit width in soc_peripherals and 32bit width in pulp_soc

Error: Width mismatch on port 'axi_slave_w_data' of reference to 'axi_slice_dc_slave' in 'axi_slice_dc_slave_wrap_32_32_6_6_8_I_axi_slave_AXI_BUS__AXI_ADDR_WIDTH_32_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_64_AXI_ID_WIDTH_6_AXI_USER_WIDTH_6I_axi_master_async_AXI_BUS_ASYNC__AXI_ADDR_WIDTH_32_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_32_AXI_ID_WIDTH_6_AXI_USER_WIDTH_6'. (LINK-3)

Error: Unable to match ports of cell soc_domain_i/pulp_soc_i/dc_fifo_datain_bus_i/axi_slice_i ('axi_slice_dc_slave') to 'axi_slice_dc_slave_32_32_6_6_8'. (LINK-25)

Error: Width mismatch on port 'AXI_Master_w_data_o' of reference to 'soc_interconnect' in 'soc_interconnect_wrap_4_2_4_15_13_6_6_13_32_64_8_6_6_I_lint_fc_data_XBAR_TCDM_BUS__I_lint_fc_instr_XBAR_TCDM_BUS__I_lint_udma_tx_XBAR_TCDM_BUS__I_lint_udma_rx_XBAR_TCDM_BUS__I_lint_debug_XBAR_TCDM_BUS__I_lint_hwpe_XBAR_TCDM_BUS__I_axi_from_cluster_AXI_BUS__AXI_ADDR_WIDTH_32_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_64_AXI_ID_WIDTH_6_AXI_USER_WIDTH_6I_axi_to_cluster_AXI_BUS__AXI_ADDR_WIDTH_32_AXI_DATA_WIDTH_64_AXI_ID_WIDTH_6_AXI_USER_WIDTH_6I_apb_periph_bus_APB_BUS__I_mem_l2_bus_UNICAD_MEM_BUS_32__I_mem_l2_pri_bus_UNICAD_MEM_BUS_32__I_mem_rom_bus_UNICAD_MEM_BUS_32__'. (LINK-3)

Error: Unable to match ports of cell soc_domain_i/pulp_soc_i/i_soc_interconnect_wrap/i_soc_interconnect ('soc_interconnect') to 'soc_interconnect_4_4_2_15_13_13_6_6_32_64_8_6_6'. (LINK-25)

ANY NEWS? I still see same issues!

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RE: Pulpissimo configuration issues and other bugs - by MikkeN - 09-03-2019, 09:54 AM

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