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Do anyone try running UART testcase(already available testUART.c) in PULPino?

I tried it but the simulation never ends, why so?. can anyone help me on this 

I am getting the following in my transcript window

** Warning: NUMERIC_STD."=": metavalue detected, returning FALSE
#    Time: 0 ps  Iteration: 0  Instance: /tb/top_i/peripherals_i/apb_uart_i/UART_RXFF
# ** Warning: NUMERIC_STD."=": metavalue detected, returning FALSE
#    Time: 0 ps  Iteration: 0  Instance: /tb/top_i/peripherals_i/apb_uart_i/UART_TXFF
# Using MEMLOAD method: PRELOAD
# Using      ri5cy core
# [SPI] Enabling QPI mode
# [adv_dbg_if] AXI4 WRITE         32 burst @1a107008 for           4 bytes.
# Preloading memory
# Preloading instruction memory from slm_files/l2_stim.slm
# Preloading data memory from slm_files/tcdm_bank0.slm
# [TRACER] Output filename is: trace_core_00_0.log
(12-05-2019, 08:01 AM)mahalakshmir.ma Wrote: [ -> ]Do anyone try running UART testcase(already available testUART.c) in PULPino?

I tried it but the simulation never ends, why so?. can anyone help me on this 

I am getting the following in my transcript window

** Warning: NUMERIC_STD."=": metavalue detected, returning FALSE
#    Time: 0 ps  Iteration: 0  Instance: /tb/top_i/peripherals_i/apb_uart_i/UART_RXFF
# ** Warning: NUMERIC_STD."=": metavalue detected, returning FALSE
#    Time: 0 ps  Iteration: 0  Instance: /tb/top_i/peripherals_i/apb_uart_i/UART_TXFF
# Using MEMLOAD method: PRELOAD
# Using      ri5cy core
# [SPI] Enabling QPI mode
# [adv_dbg_if] AXI4 WRITE         32 burst @1a107008 for           4 bytes.
# Preloading memory
# Preloading instruction memory from slm_files/l2_stim.slm
# Preloading data memory from slm_files/tcdm_bank0.slm
# [TRACER] Output filename is: trace_core_00_0.log
please respond
Have you solved the problem? I met the same , and I dont know how to solve it ,can you help me?
