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Full Version: error when using DC to synthesis pulpino
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I tried to use DC to synthesize pulpino, but the following error occurred:

Error: ../input_data/control_tp.sv:34: Unable to open file `fpu_defs_div_sqrt_tp.pvk': in search_path {/home/ichip/Desktop/PULPino_scripts/DC/tmp . /eda/synopsys/syn_vH-2013.03/libraries/ Syn /eda/synopsys/syn_vH-2013.03/minpower/syn /eda/synopsys/syn_vH-2013.03/dw/syn_ver /eda/synopsys/syn_vH-2013.03/dw/sim_ver}. (VER-292)

I opened control_tp.sv and found line 34 is:

Import fpu_defs_div_sqrt_tp::*;

It seems that this sentence caused DC to make a mistake. Can someone help me to see what this sentence means? How should I solve this error? In addition, when using DC to synthesis pulpino, what should be noted?
I solved this problem, when analyze system Verilog,you should analyze packages first,so pick up packages in the RTL design and analyze them first, then the errors disappeared.
Is it possible for you to describe this in a bit of detail? I am struggling with my design which has lots of packages in it.
When I try to read the topmost module, it throws error saying that packages have not been analyzed for import or content extraction
What should be my steps? Any inputs are appreciated