OpenMP example for PULP not working

I downloaded the new pulp rtl and sdk that you have provided. The toolchain I kept the same which I built from here:

On porting to the new SDK and running any example. I get makefile error which says : "/install/rules/ No such file or directory" 

The version of the PULP SDK available here : does not throw any such error. I have been running all examples using this version of the SDK. 

Does the makefile in the examples need to modified for proper working to be seen in the lastest version of the PULP SDK.


Messages In This Thread
OpenMP example for PULP not working - by Athena - 03-25-2019, 12:05 PM
RE: OpenMP example for PULP not working - by Athena - 03-29-2019, 09:01 AM

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