Optimized design "vopt_tb" cannot be used by this version
I'm currently going through the training materials and I can't seem to run the hello world example. I get the following error message.

Quote:# Start time: 16:23:39 on Apr 21,2021
# ** Error: (vsim-3816) Optimized design "vopt_tb" cannot be used by this version of the simulator - it was only compiled for a 32-bit version of vsim
# Error loading design
Error loading design
# End time: 16:23:39 on Apr 21,2021, Elapsed time: 0:00:00
# Errors: 1, Warnings: 0

I tried modifying the command to use vsim -32 instead of vsim -64 But that made things much worse and gave more errors. So I've reverted it back to normal.  My vsim version is as follows.

Quote:Model Technology ModelSim SE vsim 10.7d Simulator 2019.02 Feb 15 2019

Is this supported with Pulp? or should I be trying to run this on a different Sim?

Messages In This Thread
Optimized design "vopt_tb" cannot be used by this version - by cyberbemon - 04-21-2021, 02:29 PM

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