How to get more detailed information about spatz
(10-16-2024, 06:28 AM)kgf Wrote: Hello,

We get these types of questions quite a lot (wanting more and better documentation). It is not for the lack of trying, but please understand that these are active research projects conducted by Ph.D. students in our group and the main goal is to figure out better and more efficient ways of implementing these functionalities. Peer reviewed papers take some time to get published, in the meantime, we could have already made improvements and/or adapted the design to work in other environments. It is not that we are proud of it, but documentation ends up behind developments as a result.

Everything we have on these designs are actually on the GitHub pages, internal repositories only contain technology specific implementation details (which we are not allowed to make public) and not better documentation or more up to date code.

As an open source project, we would actually be very happy to get contributions, and as you can see the most we need hep with is documentation.

Thank you very much for your reply and wish you all the best in your research.

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RE: How to get more detailed information about spatz - by YiZhi_W - 10-17-2024, 08:06 AM

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