How to find the signal which represents 16bit instructions in the design?

I'm trying certain software debug tool on pulpissimo. To build alignment between source code and disassembly, I need to trace both "pc" and the corresponding "instruction" in the design during runtime.
I've found the "pc" shall be "tb_pulp.i_dut.soc_domain_i.pulp_soc_i.fc_subsystem_i.FC_CORE.lFC_CORE.id_stage_i.pc_id_i[31:0]"
And probably the "inst" shall be "tb_pulp.i_dut.soc_domain_i.pulp_soc_i.fc_subsystem_i.FC_CORE.lFC_CORE.id_stage_i.instr[31:0]"

For example, on "hello" case, a piece of disassembly is:

The waveform is like:

you can see when the instruction is 32bit, disassembly is matched with waveform (eg. pc=0x1c008130, inst=0x82f72a23)
But when the instruction is 16bit, looks like I can find a signal in waveform to show the 16bit instruction correctly... for example, pc=0x1c008134, disassembly shows the instruction val=0xc69c; but the 32bit "inst" signal shows different value in the waveform...
Instead, I find the 16bit inst atĀ output of L2 ram... But I can't use the output of L2 ram in my tool since it's too hard to align with pc...

any ideas?

Thank you!


I just read RISCV manual, looks like these 16bit instructions are RV32C instructions? Then it's decoded into 32bit instruction in the design and the signal "tb_pulp.i_dut.soc_domain_i.pulp_soc_i.fc_subsystem_i.FC_CORE.lFC_CORE.id_stage_i.instr[31:0]" is the decoded one, right?
So my question becomes --- can you point me the signal which cycle aligned with certain "pc" signal and the value is original?

Thank you!
There is a one-to-one (with some exceptions) between compressed and uncompressed instructions. This decompression step is a combinatorial function in the id stage you could look there
(04-26-2020, 02:31 PM)bluewww Wrote: There is a one-to-one (with some exceptions) between compressed and uncompressed instructions. This decompression step is a combinatorial function in the id stage you could look there

Thanks very much! I found that logic in "compressed_decoder", there areĀ some signals I can use to create what I need, just some extra logics. Thank you!

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