How to simulate the bootloader with flash S25fs256s verilog model for pulpino?
  I want to try to simluate the bootloader with flash S25fs256s,  so that I can simluate with the  flash. I have found the verilog model of S25fs256s according to, and I have instantiated the generic pad for each signal coming from my SPI model according to, and in order to test boot_code, I changed MEMLOAD on, from PRELOAD to STANDALONE.  I instantiated the flash module in the pulpion_top file, but when I run "make testSPIMASTER.vsim" or "make helloworld.vsim" ,  but still encounter the error  "RX string: ERROR: Spansion SPI flash not found” ,can someone tell me how to deal with the error? How can make it to find the Spanison SPI flash ?

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