05-26-2020, 01:01 PM
By inspecting the makefiles I found the required command to generate the bin file for programming the flash.
If flash the resulting .bin file into the flash of my FPGA and load the pulpissimo bitstream in the FPGA using JTAG, the platform can load the application from flash after setting the switch connected to bootsel to 0 and pressing the cpu_reset button.
plp_mkflash --flash-boot-binary=build/pulpissimo/test/test --stimuli=flash_stim.slm --flash-type=spi --qpi --archi=pulpissimo --raw flash.bin
If flash the resulting .bin file into the flash of my FPGA and load the pulpissimo bitstream in the FPGA using JTAG, the platform can load the application from flash after setting the switch connected to bootsel to 0 and pressing the cpu_reset button.