Resource Utilization of PULPino/PULPissimo in FPGA
(01-23-2021, 02:43 AM)zorrolee777 Wrote:
(11-20-2020, 08:06 AM)Mwind Wrote: Hello,

I am currently evaluating the use of RISC-V processors in FPGAs. Has anyone implemented a PULPino or PULPissimo on an FPGA and can you make rough statements about the resource usage?

I would appreciate any information. Thanks in advance.

Hello Mwind,

How's your project going? I'm also looking for some information about the resource utilization of the PULPissimo in different FPGAs. As we need to put some Add-ons on it, I'm wondering how many resources would be left if the PULPissimo was implemented on different FPGAs? Thanks in advance.


after creating the bitstream file .bit for a certain board target, check this file:

Here is an exert from mine, for a Xilinx Artix 7a100tcsg324-1 :
|          Site Type         |  Used | Fixed | Available | Util% |
| Slice LUTs                 | 36209 |     0 |     63400 | 57.11 |
|   LUT as Logic             | 36197 |     0 |     63400 | 57.09 |
|   LUT as Memory            |    12 |     0 |     19000 |  0.06 |
|     LUT as Distributed RAM |     0 |     0 |           |       |
|     LUT as Shift Register  |    12 |     0 |           |       |
| Slice Registers            | 20930 |     0 |    126800 | 16.51 |
|   Register as Flip Flop    | 20905 |     0 |    126800 | 16.49 |
|   Register as Latch        |    25 |     0 |    126800 |  0.02 |
| F7 Muxes                   |  1340 |     0 |     31700 |  4.23 |
| F8 Muxes                   |   225 |     0 |     15850 |  1.42 |


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RE: Resource Utilization of PULPino/PULPissimo in FPGA - by LarsKeuninckx - 01-27-2021, 12:35 PM

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