Target options for PULP RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain
(06-03-2020, 02:35 PM)mehrdad Wrote: Hi,

I have build the PULP RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain [1] with multilib. It contains the following targets:
$ riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc --print-multi-lib

Using PULPissimo's pulp-configs for the processor IPs [2] I could get some info about the targets but still, I have few questions about these targets:
  • march=rv32ic, mreg=16:
    This is used for Micro-riscy. What is the difference compared to march=rv32ec of RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain [3]?
  • march=rv32imfcxpulpv2:
    Is this rv32imfc plus the extra instructions introduced in RI5CY? (e.g. hw loops)
  • march=rv32imcxpulpslim:
    What is this? I saw it has been used for zero-riscy [4]. What is the difference to rv32imc or rv32emc?
Thanks and kind regards,


I believe the micro-riscy mreg=16 thing predates rv32e, but I don't know the exact differences.

rv32imfcxpulpv2 is indeed imfc plus xpulpv2 (x denotes a custom extension, in this case our pulpv2). In the RI5CY manual you can see what instructions are available and for example here you can see the full opcode table of included instructions.

In that table you can also see what rv32imcxpulpslim (rv32 imc + xpulpslim). Basically the 9 additional instructions, most notably p.elw for interaction with the cluster event unit.

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RE: Target options for PULP RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain - by bluewww - 06-03-2020, 03:06 PM

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