PULPino Boot ROM Address problem

First of all, PULPino is really not the thing to use, we would suggest using PULPissimo or if that one is too complex, maybe the Xheep https://github.com/esl-epfl/x-heep from our colleagues at EPFL.

PULPino has many configuration options, but the defaults seem to be 0x0000 8000 in the code:

`define ROM_START_ADDR 32'h8000

As this code is not really maintained, there is the possibility that the datasheet is not correct. The cvhange may also have been to make FPGA ports simpler (where the difference between a ROM and the instruction memory is not really that much, keeping them closer might ha simplified things).

Hope that helps
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Messages In This Thread
PULPino Boot ROM Address problem - by Jay Huang - 11-30-2023, 03:28 AM
RE: PULPino Boot ROM Address problem - by kgf - 12-29-2023, 12:54 PM

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