simulation qspi in FPGA
Hi, I'm trying run some tests about qspi in Genesy 2 broad but I have some problems. When run simulation with flash model, everything is good so I program it to my Kit. In genesys 2 have a qspi flash so I want to use it like a peripheral. In this reference, signals of qspi can connect via port in XDC file, expect qspi_sck. It must be connected via STARTUPE2. When I do so, it runs incorrectly. My test run through all code line but wave form in ocilloscope is different from Questasim.  Have anyone met this problem like that before?

Messages In This Thread
simulation qspi in FPGA - by HaiAnhWavelet - 05-10-2023, 09:32 AM
RE: simulation qspi in FPGA - by internetdunyam - 05-17-2023, 12:43 AM

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