Posts: 17
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Joined: Apr 2019
Hi All,
First of all thanks for sharing the PULPissimo source codes, however I have been looking for a somehow detailed documentation for PULPissimo but I couldn't found.
Can anyone please point me to such a documentation if any ?
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Joined: Oct 2018
Can you be a bit more specific. There is
As well as some information on the github page
What information are you missing?
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Posts: 17
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Joined: Apr 2019
Thanks for your prompt reply. I have gone through those already, what I meant by detailed is something similar to " hwpe_stream" document but for the PULPissimo architecture.
I am trying to integrate a third party module that uses AXI as data interface and APB for register configuration. Any documentation to understand such interfaces from the pulpissimo side ?
Any advice will be appreciated.
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Joined: Oct 2018
HWPE would directly attach to PULPissimo as well. You can use that as an example. Maybe I am missing something.
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