clock problem when writing sdc file in order to synthesize PULPino
Clock problem when writing sdc file in order to synthesize PULPino

I am now trying to write a constraint file (sdc file)  to synthesize PULPino (using DC), but I don't know much about PULPino's RTL design, so it is a challenging task for me,my question is:

1. According to the .xdc file in vivado, I infer that PULPino has three asynchronous clocks clk, spi_clk_i, tck_i. What is the frequency relationship between them?

2. In DC, I use the command get_nets/ports *clk*, I also got a spi_master_clk_o, which looks like an output port. What is it used for? Do I need to constrain it?

3. In the ASIC design, I want to set the frequency of the main clock clk to 100MHz. So, how should I set the frequency for the other two clocks?

4. In addition, I also want to constrain the generated clock. Is there a generated clock in PULPino? How should I find out all the generated clocks and the corresponding source clock?

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clock problem when writing sdc file in order to synthesize PULPino - by zhouqiang - 05-08-2019, 12:53 PM

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