PULP Features

  • efficient implementations of RISC-V cores. These include:
  • complete systems based on:
  • open-source SolderPad license
    • a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable license
  • rich set of peripherals
    • I2C, SPI, HyperRAM, GPIO

Do you use PULP?

Does your company or institution use PULP? Please, let us know via email info@pulp-platform.org or send us a direct message on Twitter. We would love to expand our user list.

Meet our mascot

This is our new mascot, Charlie The Bear, the successor of Alex The Bear (until 2019) and Bianca The Bear (until 2023). Just like our previous mascots, Charlie The Bear likes to take pictures with our fans.

  Charlie The Bear

Latest news New

8 June 2024
We have co-organized EFCL Summer School on Open Source IC Design and Computer Architectures, 3 - 7 June 2024 in Zurich. The event, organised in four parallel tracks with five keynote talks and three hands-on tutorials, attracted more than 120 participants..

26 April 2024
We open-sourced PULP detector, a nano-drone system that strives to maximize room exploration while performing visual object detection. See it on GitHub.

27 March 2024
We have presented our research work at DATE2024 in Valencia, together with a new tutorial on on-device continual learning for MCU devices. You can find all of our presentations here.

Get PULP now!

  • You can get the source code for PULP-based systems released under a permissible SolderPad open-source license from Github now.
  • If you want to program with PULP you can get the SDK and use the virtual platform.

Development boards

The following companies sell development boards with chips based on our PULP system:
  • GreenWaves sells their GAP8 and GAP9 IoT processors based on PULP.
  • open-isa.org sells their RV32M1-VEGA development board.
  • AI Deck is a collaborative product of GreenWaves, BitCraze and ETH Zurich based on the PULP-shield.


Do you need help with PULP?

We have an Online Forum. Please register and ask your question. Discussions on individual GitHub pages or the following links might be helpful, as well:

FAQ   Forum   Implementation   PULP Training
Archive   Contact