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  Pulpissimo with IBEX Core Error
Posted by: vignajeth - 03-13-2021, 07:57 AM - Forum: PULP General questions - No Replies

    I want to use the IBEX core with pulpissimo. I was able to run Hello World example with default ri5cy core. I changed the following files by making CORE_TYPE as 1 to get the ibex core configured.

  • ./pulpissimo/rtl/pulpissimo/pulpissimo.sv
  • ./pulpissimo/rtl/pulpissimo/soc_domain.sv
  • ./pulpissimo/rtl/tb/tb_pulp.sv
  • ./pulpissimo/pulp_soc/rtl/fc/fc_subsystem.sv
  • ./pulpissimo/ips/pulp_soc/rtl/pulp_soc/pulp_soc.sv
  • ./pulpissimo/install/tb_pulp.sv
once the change was done i cleaned the pulpissimo libs with make clean and did make build

i also cleaned the pulp-sdk with 'make clean' and did

export PULP_CURRENT_CONFIG=pulpissimo_ibex@config_file=chips/pulpissimo/pulpissimo_ibex.json
source configs/pulpissimo_ibex.sh
make build env # to rebuild the pulp-sdk with ibex configs
source sourceme.sh # to set path of newly built sdk with ibex core

when I run the hello world example I get an error from the ID stage of the IBEX Core pipeline like

# ** Error: [ASSERT FAILED] [tb_pulp.i_dut.soc_domain_i.pulp_soc_i.fc_subsystem_i.FC_CORE.lFC_CORE.id_stage_i.IbexIdInstrKnownKnownEnable] IbexIdInstrKnownKnownEnable (../ips/ibex/rtl/ibex_id_stage.sv:1008)
#    Time: 11300580292 ps Started: 11300580292 ps  Scope: tb_pulp.i_dut.soc_domain_i.pulp_soc_i.fc_subsystem_i.FC_CORE.lFC_CORE.id_stage_i.IbexIdInstrKnownKnownEnable File: /mypath/untouched/pulpissimo/sim/../ips/ibex/rtl/ibex_id_stage.sv Line: 1008
# ** Error: [ASSERT FAILED] [tb_pulp.i_dut.soc_domain_i.pulp_soc_i.fc_subsystem_i.FC_CORE.lFC_CORE.id_stage_i.IbexIdInstrALUKnownKnownEnable] IbexIdInstrALUKnownKnownEnable (../ips/ibex/rtl/ibex_id_stage.sv:1012)

I have built the pulp gnu toolchain with multilib 

can someone help me out here.

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  Pulp GNU ToolChain Not throwing L2 Overflowed Error
Posted by: vignajeth - 03-12-2021, 04:52 PM - Forum: PULP General questions - Replies (3)

   I am currently working with L2 Memories. I notice that even though the size of the stimuli file I have is larger than the total size of L2 private memory (0x1c010000). The compiler does not throw l2 overflowed by ... bytes error. i have not changed the /my-path/pulp-sdk/pkg/sdk/dev/install/rules/pulpissimo/link.ld file. 

This the command the make file of hello example uses to compile my code

/my_path/project/gnu_toolchain/bin/riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv32imfcxpulpv2 -mfdiv -D__riscv__ -MMD -MP -o /my_path/pulp-rt-examples/hello/build/pulpissimo/test/test /my_path/pulp-rt-examples/hello/build/pulpissimo/test/fc/test.o /my_path/pulp-rt-examples/hello/build/pulpissimo/test/fc//my_path/pulp-rt-examples/hello/build/pulpissimo/rt_conf.o /my_path/pulp-rt-examples/hello/build/pulpissimo/test/fc//my_path/pulp-rt-examples/hello/build/pulpissimo/rt_pad_conf.o  -nostartfiles -nostdlib -Wl,--gc-sections -L/my_path/untouched/pulpissimo/pulp-sdk/pkg/sdk/dev/install/rules -Tpulpissimo/link.ld -L/my_path/untouched/pulpissimo/pulp-sdk/pkg/sdk/dev/install/lib/pulpissimo -L/my_path/untouched/pulpissimo/pulp-sdk/pkg/sdk/dev/install/lib/pulpissimo/pulpissimo -lrt -lrtio -lrt -lgcc

pulp-run --config-file=pulpissimo@config_file=chips/pulpissimo/pulpissimo.json  --config-opt=platform=rtl --dir=/my_path/pulp-rt-examples/hello/build/pulpissimo --binary=test/test prepare
pulp-run --config-file=pulpissimo@config_file=chips/pulpissimo/pulpissimo.json  --config-opt=platform=rtl --dir=/my_path/pulp-rt-examples/hello/build/pulpissimo --binary=test/test
Launching simulator with command:

I notice the pulp_tap exceeding the maximum address of the L2 memory
 [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c00f800 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c00fc00 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c010000 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c010400 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c010800 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c010c00 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c011000 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c011400 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c011800 for        1024 bytes.
# [pulp_tap_if] WRITE32 burst @1c011c00 for        1024 bytes.

Any idea why the pulp_gnu_toolchain did not throw any error. does the pulp_gnu_toolchain should be rebuilt because i am playing by extending the Private memory sizes although the above error was produced with no change in the pulpissimo or pulp-sdk code

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  compile without RISC-V PULP specific extensions
Posted by: naprpo - 03-08-2021, 01:37 PM - Forum: PULP General questions - Replies (2)


I am trying to compile GPIO test without pulp specific instructions.

I modified the make file as follows:

PULP_APP = test
PULP_FC_ARCH_CFLAGS = -march=rv32imc

include $(PULP_SDK_HOME)/install/rules/pulp_rt.mk

failed with following errors:

pulpissimo/pulp-rt-examples/gpio/input/build/pulpissimo/test/fc/test.o: In function `rt_gpio_set_dir':
pulpissimo/pulp-rt-examples/gpio/input/test.c:13: undefined reference to `__builtin_pulp_OffsetedRead'
pulpissimo/pulp-rt-examples/gpio/input/test.c:13: undefined reference to `__builtin_pulp_OffsetedWrite'
pulpissimo/pulp-rt-examples/gpio/input/test.c:13: undefined reference to `__builtin_pulp_OffsetedRead'
pulpissimo/pulp-rt-examples/gpio/input/test.c:13: undefined reference to `__builtin_pulp_OffsetedWrite'
pulpissimo/pulp-rt-examples/gpio/input/build/pulpissimo/test/fc/test.o: In function `main':
pulpissimo/pulp-rt-examples/gpio/input/test.c:13: undefined reference to `__builtin_pulp_OffsetedRead' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Any suggestion if it is possible use API without pulp specific instructions? or any work around ?
Thank you..

Br, naprpo

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  Question about Pulpissimo memory
Posted by: zorrolee777 - 03-06-2021, 02:50 AM - Forum: PULP General questions - Replies (1)

Could anyone help me clarify whether the memory is single-port or dual-port? I didn't find the information in the documentation. Thanks in advance!


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  I2C cannot write to TX_SADDR
Posted by: nikolas - 03-03-2021, 11:07 AM - Forum: PULP General questions - Replies (2)

Hey everyone 

I am trying to set up an I2C on my NEXYS 4 board without using the rt api from the sdk.
Now I think I have understood the way how the uDMA works an I am also able to transmitt something over the I2C (clock is there and a signal on the SDA is there too), but this are 
not the data I wanted to transfer.

My main problem now is, I am not able to write the address of my TX buffer to the TX_SADDR register. In the manual I can see that the TX_SADDR should be a read/write register but writing to it seams not be possible.
Does someone know what the problem could be or is there maybe an example how to setup peripherals connected to the uDMA without the help of the rt api?

Would really appreciate your help.

Thank you very much and have a nice day.

//in a headerfile called pulpissimo.h
#define I2C0_RX_SADDR    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x1A102180))
#define I2C0_RX_SIZE    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x1A102184))
#define I2C0_RX_CFG    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x1A102188))
#define I2C0_TX_SADDR    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x1A102190))
#define I2C0_TX_SIZE    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x1A102194))
#define I2C0_TX_CFG    (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x1A102198))

//in hal_i2c.c
__attribute__((section(".l2_data"))) uint8_t tx_buff[BUFFERSIZE];
__attribute__((section(".l2_data"))) uint8_t rx_buff[BUFFERSIZE];
__attribute__((section(".l2_data"))) uint8_t cmd_buff[BUFFERSIZE];

//in an initialisation function in hal_i2c.c
I2C0_RX_SADDR  |= (uint32_t)&rx_buff[0]; //after this there is 0x00000000 in the register
I2C0_RX_SIZE   |= BUFFERSIZE;            //after this there is 0x00000000 in the register
I2C0_TX_SADDR  |= (uint32_t)&tx_buff[0]; //after this there is 0x00000000 in the register
I2C0_TX_SIZE   |= BUFFERSIZE;            //after this there is 0x00000000 in the register

I2C0_CMD_SADDR |= (uint32_t)&cmd_buff[0]; //after this there is 0x00000000 in the register
I2C0_CMD_SIZE  |= BUFFERSIZE;             //after this there is 0x00000000 in the register

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  PULPino or PULPismo ? for a low-power microcontroller
Posted by: sit-vlsi - 02-28-2021, 03:01 PM - Forum: PULP General questions - Replies (4)

Hello, We are trying to design a ultra low-power microcontroller for IoT applications in a 0.18um CMOS technology and I am trying to decide to choose the PULPino or PULPismo platform.
PULPino seems like the more matured platform but PULPismo seems to be the replacement for PULPino.
Our core strength is analog so we want a platform which has a well-supported toolchain, etc.
So any advice on this topic will be greatly appreciated.

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  fullduplex communication in spi through spansion s25fs256s
Posted by: chikku - 02-23-2021, 07:27 AM - Forum: PULP General questions - No Replies

we are facing a problem in full duplex communication in riscv pulpissimo  ,i.e. we can not start  reception after transmission using the spansion s25fs256s spi module . Could you please give some ideas regarding that. Or could you please give us a document regarding that

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  Interrupt Service Routine for Pulpissimo
Posted by: RiscV - 02-22-2021, 09:09 AM - Forum: PULP General questions - Replies (2)

Are there any documents or codes available to write Interrupt Service Routine for Pulpissimo in C language?

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  Getting input from console
Posted by: nayan - 02-19-2021, 05:33 AM - Forum: PULP General questions - Replies (3)

Scanf, gets, getchar etc. are showing undefined reference error while compiling a program using pulp-sdk. Is there anyway to get input from console?

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  how to simulate CV32E40P core
Posted by: gsaitejareddy - 02-08-2021, 08:11 AM - Forum: PULP General questions - Replies (2)

I am trying to simulate CV32E40P core. In example_tb file in core folder there is a make file. It is showing error

vlib-"10.7b" work
/bin/sh: 1: vlib-10.7b: not found
make: *** [Makefile:87: .lib-rtl] Error 127

I read in the documentation that there is a separate repository for verification. I have run the makefile in core-v-verif/cv32/sim/core. i was able to run hello world program. But i dont why in CV32E40P core it was not running.

I wanted to explore floating point unit in CV32E40P core. Can you please say how to simulate with system verilog files

I am not able to understand how to give input to the core. Please help me

Thanks in advance

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